Quest Enterprise ServicesTM (QESTM)


Streamline Your Targeting Analysis

Volume Targeting Includes:

  • Simple Three-Step Process
  • What-If Simulations
  • Robust Analysis Reports
  • Role-Based Security


Your Current Provider Targeting Process

You are constantly working to reduce your regulatory risk and maintain a competitive advantage. As a result, you need to understand the impact on your network when you are targeting a large group of providers or facilities. Going through the process of targeting one provider or facility at a time is challenging and inefficient. This challenge is compounded when you have multiple lines of business. 

Your Improved Provider Targeting Process

Wouldn’t it be great if you could speed up your targeting process while gaining a better understanding of your compliance gaps to ensure you’re targeting the right providers for the biggest gains? Quest AnalyticsTM Volume Targeting is built for the challenge – allowing you to:

Maintain compliance confidence by identifying gaps

Optimize all of your provider networks

Utilize targeting scenario results in your competitive analyses

Gain insight for provider negotiations

Perform “what-if” analyses

Volume Targeting is a great way to save time, reduce your regulatory risk and maintain a competitive advantage by automating your provider targeting process.

Create your report

Upload a list of Providers by location and specialty

Select the Projects


Running QES Volume Targeting is a simple three-step process


Multiple volume targeting simulations can quickly be performed to determine what will happen if a volume targeting scenario is performed against a set of providers, including net new providers that your team can easily upload for efficient self-service modeling. 

The ‘what-if’ scenarios illustrate if a gap is closed when you add a list of providers with their locations and specialties to your network. Multiple volume targeting simulations can quickly be performed to determine what will happen if a large group of providers or facilities is added to a project. If a targeted provider or location is not currently part of the market or prospect provider list in a project selected, the user is notified.  


QES Volume Targeting includes in-depth reporting to help you collaborate with your team and determine strategic next steps. Automated reports help eliminate the need for manual research. 

Report outputs include:

Provider Upload Summary

Provides details about the uploaded providers and which projects they were found or not found in for targeting

Volume Target Project Details

Shows which projects were or were not affected and counts of gaps closed due to targeting 

Targeted Service Area Changed Gaps

Details of the specific specialty/county gap closures

Targeted Service Area Providers

Shows all providers that were targeted and the specialties/counties those providers are considered servicing

Targeted Service Area Specialty Summary Comparison

Provides a full specialty summary comparison between the current and targeted results


Due to the sensitive nature of targeting analysis, access security is managed by role and assigned at the user level.

  • Targeting Administrators
    Only designated administrators can perform volume targeting scenarios.

Your Quest Analytics consultants are there for you as an excellent resource to help guide your team. Learn More


We are committed to assisting our customers in their quest for accurate provider directories and adequate health networks that maintain appropriate access to care for your members.

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