The Role of Adequate Health Networks in the Marketplace

Quest Analytics® is hosting leadership from The CMS Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) for a conversation about network adequacy requirements and standards. CCIIO develops and implements the provider network standards health insurance plans must meet to participate in the Federally-facilitated Exchanges (FFEs). This discussion will address various topics focusing on requirements introduced for Plan Year 2025.

By Watching this Webinar, You'll Learn

  • How CCIIO thinks about the role of adequate health networks in the Marketplace.
  • Insights into the process CCIIO goes through to explore possible changes to network and data requirements for issuers providing coverage in a Federally-facilitated Marketplace.
  • The logic driving requirements for the coming plan year (PY2025).

Meet the Presenters

  • Scott Westover, Chief Network Solutions Officer, Quest Analytics®
  • Deborah J. Hunter (she/her), JD, MHS, Technical Advisor, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight, Marketplace Plan Management Group
Watch the Recording
Marketplace Success Watch the Replay Webinar

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We are committed to assisting our customers in their quest for accurate provider directories and adequate health networks that maintain appropriate access to care for your members.

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