

Human Resources Recruitment Fraud Alert

Disclaimer: Fraudulent Recruitment Offers
Attention potential job seekers, you should be aware of a recent recruitment scam. Some individuals have been posing as recruiters from Quest Analytics LLC and contacting candidates about fake job opportunities with our company. These scammers may ask you to share personal information or take a test.

Please note, we comply with all required laws and regulations, including employment laws, and data privacy requirements, in our recruiting process.  We will only contact you through our official communication channels, including our website (https://questanalytics.com), our email domain (@questanalytics.com), and our verified social media accounts.

If you have been contacted by a recruiter from Quest Analytics LLC or Careers-QuestAnalytics.com requesting that you complete a form, download a PDF or provide sensitive information, please do not click on any links or provide any information.  Instead, report the incident to us at infosec@questanalytics.com and attach any screenshots or evidence of the communication.

We understand these types of nefarious “bad actors” can cause confusion.  Your digital security is important to us, and we will continue to monitor the situation. We value your interest in working with us and hope to connect with you through our legitimate recruitment channels.

Please visit our website https://questanalytics.com/hiring/ to learn more about our company and our current openings.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us at hrteam@questanalytics.com.

Mary Truvillion, SVP People

Quest Analytics