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The Road to Telemedicine


Telemedicine is rapidly changing healthcare. How does this impact the way health plans ensure access to care?

This four-part series examines the state of telemedicine in America, the journey that brought us here, and the road that lies ahead. Over the course of this series, we will examine the following:

  1. Before there was COVID, there was telemedicine
  2. The COVID Effect: Will It Last?
  3. Telemedicine Today: What’s Happening?
  4. Telemedicine Tomorrow: What’s Coming?


Ultimately, we seek to answer the question, are we there yet? If not, when?

Download All Four Parts Now!

Providers Were Resistant To Adoption

The vast majority of doctors had no desire to practice telemedicine—and for a good reason: Physician training is based on providing a hands-on exam to establish a diagnosis. Understand three ways we can help resolve problem.

From Science Fiction To Functional Reality

COVID-19 has demanded unprecedented levels of care and social distancing, a healthcare system stretched to the breaking point and near-universal adoption of remote working methods and technologies. Read about it’s effects and where we are headed.

Patients Don’t Want It—Or Don’t Know It

Prior to the pandemic, most studies showed that the public still had little awareness of telemedicine and even lower utilization. See what a surge in telemedicine usage means to your plan.

Explore Our Resource Hubs

CMS Resource Hub

Our long-standing relationship with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) allows us to help you position your organization for success. Find our growing collection of guides, videos and tools to help you achieve your Medicare Advantage Part C & D, Medicare-Medicaid and QHP goals.

Provider Directory Resources

Stay ahead of the game by staying on track with your provider directory verification process. Explore our Resource Center to learn about the Provider Directory requirements, listed in the No Surprises Act. Find out what’s new and what you can start doing today to succeed.

Deliver on tomorrow's goals by planning today

We are committed to assisting our customers in their quest for accurate provider directories and adequate health networks that maintain appropriate access to care for your members.

Schedule a consultative session with one of our network management experts to discuss and determine your strategy.

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