Why Payers Need To Comprehensively Address Directory Accuracy And Network Adequacy, Together

IDC Agrees: Provider directory accuracy is an integral part of network adequacy

We are seeing new legislation, like the No Surprises Act, requiring healthcare organizations to implement provider data verification processes. Additionally, more states and regulatory agencies are in the process of including an accuracy requirement for provider directories in their network review process.

International Data Corporation (IDC), a global market intelligence firm, has done the research and developed this white paper that examines the following:

  • What is provider directory accuracy and network adequacy?
  • Why is provider directory accuracy and network adequacy important?
  • How are the standards around network adequacy and directory accuracy changing?
  • How can your organization take advantage of the trends and get ahead?

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CMS Network Adequacy Review Guide

Looking for surefire tactics to help you prepare for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Network Adequacy Review? We’ve got you covered. Here are the best practices we’ve found to be essential for both maintaining network adequacy…and staying compliant year-round.

Provider Directory Verification Resources

Explore our No Surprises Act Resource Center to stay up-to-date on the provider directory verification requirements, find preparation guides and videos to help you develop a strategic plan to meet deadlines, and learn about the solutions that can get you there quickly.

Deliver on tomorrow's goals by planning today

We are committed to assisting our customers in their quest for accurate provider directories and adequate health networks that maintain appropriate access to care for your members.

Schedule a consultative session with one of our network management experts to discuss and determine your strategy.

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